Sunday, July 7, 2013

Working for Monday on Monday

Back to work in Hong Kong

As soon as I hit the runway, work was looking for me. They say you have gone for to long you have a Job at Monday. The magazine that is. I was told I needed to work on my poses, I think I did ok. But just note the photos I'm about to show you is not the professional one, these photos are just me taking happy snaps, it is really for myself to remember that this was a real day and not only a dream.

Billabong, I use to wear this brand to school on the central coast. To think I am modeling for an Australian brand in Hong Kong is really trippy.

When I walked I thought I was going to be shot on this set too. I was wrong.

My change room.

My serious face in the change room.

I look like i'm from Tanjung Pandang.

Well that is all in a days work. The magazine is called Monday and it will be out very soon. 

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