Thursday, July 11, 2013

Eye Wear Commercial

For now this is an unnamed Eye Wear eprint shot.

Why are so many photo shoots done on public holidays, the answer I am still trying to work out, but it now is a common aspect of my working life. Crazy hours and crazy locations doing crazy things. 

A wild flower look. Flower power, yeah.

My Co-star .You see the theme quite clearly.

I really like like this look.

These behind the scenes crew is perhaps on of the nicer groups I have ever worked with.

I have a hard time recognising myself.

That was the whole shoot about 4 hours for me, my Co-star had to stay back.

Unfortunately, the shot has not be publicized just yet, so I can't announce the name of the brand, and even show you the finals, I still have yet to see them. I hear soon, guess strong patience is one thing I have to master, in this line of work.

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