Monday, July 1, 2013

Adam B C's day seventh in Indonesia, back to Jakarta

Adam B C's day seventh in Indonesia 

Today was a sad day, how can I leave this beautiful island? I really have not had this feeling before for any one single I have travelled to.  I feel connected to connected to this place somehow. I am not sure if it was the accident that revealed the true kindness of the people here, or if it was the beautiful scenery that is so untouched by man. Either way I love this place and I know I will be back at some stage in my life. Belitung Bye Bye I hope to see you soon.

Good weather to see me off.

This is the lovely breakfast dinner. There is a chief here that cook you a fresh omelet every morning. 

I will be missing this place.

We never had a chance to swim here the ocean is slightly better.

I am in totally dark shades and this place is so pastel. Perhaps a wardrobe change is in order.

This use to be the house of Captain Ho a big major of this island.

Look at that totally alien orange shape in front of me.

Hope to see you soon.

My stairway to heaven.

I love fresh orchids.

Let's take one more walk to the dress shop before we leave.

Round about by day.

Dreaming in the Sky 001.

That's our plane the only one on the entire field.

Why am I  leaving?

Next time I want to ride on that.

Dreaming in the Sky 002.

Imagine this driver does this flight probably 4 to 5 times a day. Nice Job.

Dreaming in the Sky 003.

I would like that job.

Soon it will be back to work.

Is this our flight?

Well there are no other planes here.

Why does it need that Norita swirl?

I am in my seat and my beat is fastened.

Dreaming in the Sky 004

Up up and Away.

Dreaming in the Sky 005.

Dreaming in the Sky 006.

Dreaming in the Sky 007.

Dreaming in the Sky 008.

Dreaming in the Sky 009.

Dreaming in the Sky 010.

Dreaming in the Sky 011.

Dreaming in the Sky 012.

Dreaming in the Sky 013.

Dreaming in the Sky 014.

Dreaming in the Sky 015.

Dreaming in the Sky 016.

Dreaming in the Sky 017.

Dreaming in the Sky 018.

Dreaming in the Sky 019.

Dreaming in the Sky 020.

Dreaming in the Sky 021.

Dreaming in the Sky 022.

Dreaming in the Sky 023.

Dreaming in the Sky 024.

Dreaming in the Sky 025.

Dreaming in the Sky 026.

Dreaming in the Sky 027.

Dreaming in the Sky 028.

Dreaming in the Sky 029.

Dreaming in the Sky 030.

Dreaming in the Sky 031.

Dreaming in the Sky 032.

Dreaming in the Sky 033.

Dreaming in the Sky 034.

Dreaming in the Sky 035.

Dreaming in the Sky 036.

Dreaming in the Sky 037.

We are back in Jakarta.

Still quite dream like.

Waiting for our Blue Bird.

Such a comment on local tradition.

Oh I just love this thing.

Dreaming in the Sky 038.

The flight back to Jakarta was really satisfying for me, as you can tell I love clouds or photos taken from very high up. I can't say exactly what it is I love about clouds, but they have fascinated me since I was little. I would ask my parents how do you draw light like the one's on the cloud, I am not sure they knew at the time to, but with this cloud appreciation I think I am getting close.  Seriously I could sit all afternoon and look at clouds just floating by. Thanks for Visiting this is Adam B C, stay tuned for some Piggy artworks that I have planned for tomorrow. Not everything is about travelling and holidays, we all need to get back to work at some stage.

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