Saturday, July 20, 2013

The Answer to the Skinny Chair photo request

Skinny Chair

Hello everybody, recently while having Yum Cha with Ben and his Sum, I was asked a question. That question was do you have an image of the skinny chair that you talk about, I want to visualise it. I was unable to express the chair with my emotion alone, so here is an image of my skinny chair, and some other projects I worked on while I was a TJEP. Do Enjoy and don't be afraid to ask questions if you have any :) ALso here are some of my influences.

Monkey Magic, he is such a legendary character. 

 I was working on another project inspired by the famous story of Monkey Magic. I will show you more about that project later post, because today is all about the skinny chair.... :)

I loved the aurora back then in 2007, and in 2011 I saw it with my own eyes. Some five years later.

the comparison of a spanish galleon to a chinese junker back in 1421.

"1421 " - the book I read back then when I was working with Tjep Design Studio in Amsterdam. I could imagine myself born in this era and I would love be under the command of Emperor Zhu Di and to discover the world

The True Vase was the first project I worked with Tjep on, the concept was to reveal the true beauty of the rose.

The True Vase 02

True Vase display in our office

True Vase is made out of the materials of perspex, wood and glass.

Another project I did with Tjep, " the Skinny Chair ". You can see my process of altering the shape of the chair, echoing to the concept I wanted to convey which was to minus the form.

SKinny Chair 02

SKinny Chair 03

Completed sculpture form of " the Skinny Chair" - on a 45 angle

Completed sculpture form of " the Skinny Chair" - 
side view , you can see the back of the chair transformed into a different structure

Completed sculpture form of " the Skinny Chair" - front view of the final piece

That was a blast into my past, 2007 exactly. I was tripped out, I certainly hope you were, too. Adam B C out.

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