Saturday, August 31, 2013

On Location above Happy Valley

Above Happy Valley

Hi everyone, today was a day of triumph for myself. I will explain to you why. The crew that I worked with today was a crew that I have worked with before on many different occasions. What does that really mean? Firstly that the crew has grown from small wedding jobs to fully paid live commercials. I am indeed happy for the crews survival and success. But that is just a projection, of course they have succeed and are doing very well, but individually myself as a model/Actor, I have also survived and I'm still making myself available for these types of jobs. It is no easy to survive in any industry and especially one that has jobs that are so few and far apart. Here is how the day panned out. 

Adam and Afa

Adam and the best Anita

A shoot that was happen next to ours

Our Crew at Cafe Losil

I was on the menu that day

On location

Movie Magic

One of the boarder marking of Happy Valley

Walking pose

Walking pose 2

Bowen Street provided by Anita

I was very comfortable with this crew and the day went super smooth. When ever you start working in any industry you will feel a certain awkwardness, like no one knows you and you don't know what your suppose to do. That is normal because your do know no one, and you that you probably have not done whatever it is your asked to do before, it is perfectly normal. As time goes on you will soon learn to be comfortable with people you have worked with before and learn to know roughly what you need to do. No one ever tells you what you should do in this world, you have to learn what to do by observation. Hopefully this is a little helpful tip. This is Adam B C out.

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