Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Linking the fabric of Society

I am wondering

Hello all, today I invite you see a linkage in the fabric of society. Yes indeed, this may be a little thing, but it is the little things in life that end up turning into big things, and that is what I am interested in. Today I am going to show you an image from an event I went to some few months ago, and then I am going to show you a image I look of a commercial today. Here we go.

This is the exhibition I attended on the 23 May 2013

Here is an Image of me next to the arts work.

Here is an image of New Balances new "campaign Set the Pace"

As I am sure you would have notice a very similar style in symbolism and technique from the artist of the exhibition in May and the artwork used on the wall in the New Balance commercial. These image lead me to ask the following questions. Was the exhibit planned first or was the NB campaign planned first? Was the Exhibit of May and the NB campaign planned at the same time? Did the NB people see the artwork and attended the same event then create the Set the Pace campaign? Or was the Art selected perhaps back in America (I assume the HQ of NB is in the US) when the idea of this NB campaign was still in production. Did a PR company link these two aspects of media together, in Hong Kong. I have still to ponder on this issue. Why am I so interested you might ask? The answer is I am an Artist who loves to illustrate and I am a Model who works in the Industry of Hong Kong, if I could just show my work to the right people, I could have my work selected for a commercial campaign and get more publicity for my own work. Thanks for reading through my deeper inner thoughts. I guess we all will find out if I ever figure this one out. This is Adam B C out.

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