Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Searching for Typhoon 8

Searching for Typhoon 8

Today was a day in search for inspiration, inspiration in-sighted by the possibility of a Typhoon 8. There are many stories of crazy things that can happen during a Typhoon in Hong Kong. It is a magical time, when trees can fall, situations can go wrong and for a moment your luck may change. With these thoughts in mind I set out looking for my destiny. Here is how the day panned out.

TST this morning

Even though there was a Typhoon 8, the tourists still kept sight seeing.

Statues were bolted down.

Usually there are lots of people here, everyday.

The winds.

At the Birthing steps.

I can see a seahorse.


I have to get the shot.

Just a little closer.

The Banyan tree has awesome roots.

Natures true colours.

Shinny Metal.

Same world different planet.

Experiment with depth.

That storm looks like it is getting worse.

Adam B C

The discarded box.

The wind is strong.

My iphone's camera is pretty good.

The storm blows in.

All wet at West Kowloon Promenade.

The clouds are moving so fast.

A low sky.

IFC stands in all weather.

Harshness of reality.

The wind test everyone.

The grass still grows.

Bushes flourish.

The swings are for once empty.

Life goes on.

At the beckon 280.

The salty sea breeze.

Back to work.

The sun comes out for a visit.

Sitting in the sun.

IFC and elements in the same shot.

Natures pull.

A great day.

It was a great day of inspiration, I think taking efforts to see things around us in a different light is paramount to an creative minds development. What I have learnt through theater  is that any given moment can be a tragedy, comic or epic theater; meaning it depends on the audiences perspective that determines the outcome. Our individual perspective can make a boring situation happy and a dull day shine with heaven mighty light. This is Adam B C, thank you for visiting. This was searching for a T8 from TST to West Kowloon.

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