Saturday, August 31, 2013

On Location above Happy Valley

Above Happy Valley

Hi everyone, today was a day of triumph for myself. I will explain to you why. The crew that I worked with today was a crew that I have worked with before on many different occasions. What does that really mean? Firstly that the crew has grown from small wedding jobs to fully paid live commercials. I am indeed happy for the crews survival and success. But that is just a projection, of course they have succeed and are doing very well, but individually myself as a model/Actor, I have also survived and I'm still making myself available for these types of jobs. It is no easy to survive in any industry and especially one that has jobs that are so few and far apart. Here is how the day panned out. 

Adam and Afa

Adam and the best Anita

A shoot that was happen next to ours

Our Crew at Cafe Losil

I was on the menu that day

On location

Movie Magic

One of the boarder marking of Happy Valley

Walking pose

Walking pose 2

Bowen Street provided by Anita

I was very comfortable with this crew and the day went super smooth. When ever you start working in any industry you will feel a certain awkwardness, like no one knows you and you don't know what your suppose to do. That is normal because your do know no one, and you that you probably have not done whatever it is your asked to do before, it is perfectly normal. As time goes on you will soon learn to be comfortable with people you have worked with before and learn to know roughly what you need to do. No one ever tells you what you should do in this world, you have to learn what to do by observation. Hopefully this is a little helpful tip. This is Adam B C out.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The Beginning of our new B9 series

Hovering over the Darkness

...and darkness was upon the face of the deep... This is the title we have given to our new series. Ladies and Gentlemen, before our ego was far to big, today we have decided to keep painting and not stop, this is what we have to give the world and we have already hit the on switch and hand have taped it down never to let it stop again. It took three years of accumulation but the cup is more than full and is starting to spill over. Here is our new series, in no particular order.




Square Square



Flowers in a green field


Party Lights

Aurora Green

West Kowloon

Tuesday Cloud





Victoria Harbour


Aurora Orange

Aurora Pink



Many Sunsets

I am proud to be a painter. When I was young I never knew this could be done to survive. Thanks to Adam Smith's verbalization of Supply and Demand, I will be a painter/illustrator till the end of my days. Lets hope I don't need to cut my own ear off (like Vang Gogh)  to survive. I'm sure in the modern world this won't be necessary. Hope you enjoyed the work, I hope the work can bring some measure of happiness into your lives. This is Adam B C, out.


Self Titled

Good morning everyone, Yesterday was an extremely long day for me. The morning was spend managing our new B9 paintings (of which I plan to share with you all in my next post), the afternoon and early evening was spent acting as a fitting model at D&G at no one Peaking road. Here is how the day panned out.

Love these Sicilian shoes

These clothes do make you look younger.

Going home with Hong Kong, 7 million people that's a lot. 

I only wish I had more time to take more photo's for you all, but a fitting model really doesn't have much time, each shoe needs to be untied and tied again. But I needed to share what I have with you all. The iron is heating up 2 months into my modeling and acting initiative I am getting busier. Finger crossed, it gets even busier. This is Adam B C, out.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Sing Tao 22 Aug 2013

Sing Tao Zenith Pilot

Good afternoon everyone. I am very happy to say I have made it to Sing Tao. I have been in this newspaper before, a long time ago for a much more different reason (Artist in residence in VAC), but today I am selling Luxury brands such a Zenith Watches. To be honest I don't really care for watches, time is never on my side, but after this experience I think I will be a avid watch watcher. 

Adam B C

The Watch actually matches my Belt.

It is true. Keep your dreams alive and so long as your willing to wait it will come true. I at times seem to be a none believer myself, but the fact is my dream is coming true and I should keep my doubtful thoughts clear from my vision and knuckle down to take each blow proudly and I will reach my distant island of dreams. Thanks for visiting this is cheerful Adam B C, out. 

Monday, August 19, 2013

My Day at the Beach

Tao Vol. 109 2013

My day at the beach has been published. Even though my name was not mentioned in the piece, I am still happy to be apart of the whole shoot. I was given a particular comment that I was too happy in this job. I find it quite hard to hold back my happiness, firstly because I am apart of another campaign and secondly it was a day at the beach. Well here is how the day panned out, from the professional eyes of Tao.

I am once again happy to be in a Magazine, getting my image out there is important to my career, even though these shot cannot be considered ground breaking moves for my development, continual exposure will eventually lead to the big break. I know it is going to happen soon, I can feel it. Thanks for visiting Adam B C, out.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Vision above Mars

A Picture is a thousand words

A picture is a thousand words. The process of bring out an idea onto paper is not easy, it can be compared to ripping memories and fantasies from your mind and photocopying them harshly and softly into a medium via hands, muscle movements and simple pencils. Here is a little glimpse into the drawing process that I would like to share with you. The subject of this illustration is visions over Mars,  Piggy's forces of good are on their way to put up a resistance against the forces of the Evil Count Duvet. I do hope this give you an insight into the process of drawing.

I hope you enjoyed the the little movie and thank you for visiting Adam B C. Out.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Searching for Typhoon 8

Searching for Typhoon 8

Today was a day in search for inspiration, inspiration in-sighted by the possibility of a Typhoon 8. There are many stories of crazy things that can happen during a Typhoon in Hong Kong. It is a magical time, when trees can fall, situations can go wrong and for a moment your luck may change. With these thoughts in mind I set out looking for my destiny. Here is how the day panned out.

TST this morning

Even though there was a Typhoon 8, the tourists still kept sight seeing.

Statues were bolted down.

Usually there are lots of people here, everyday.

The winds.

At the Birthing steps.

I can see a seahorse.


I have to get the shot.

Just a little closer.

The Banyan tree has awesome roots.

Natures true colours.

Shinny Metal.

Same world different planet.

Experiment with depth.

That storm looks like it is getting worse.

Adam B C

The discarded box.

The wind is strong.

My iphone's camera is pretty good.

The storm blows in.

All wet at West Kowloon Promenade.

The clouds are moving so fast.

A low sky.

IFC stands in all weather.

Harshness of reality.

The wind test everyone.

The grass still grows.

Bushes flourish.

The swings are for once empty.

Life goes on.

At the beckon 280.

The salty sea breeze.

Back to work.

The sun comes out for a visit.

Sitting in the sun.

IFC and elements in the same shot.

Natures pull.

A great day.

It was a great day of inspiration, I think taking efforts to see things around us in a different light is paramount to an creative minds development. What I have learnt through theater  is that any given moment can be a tragedy, comic or epic theater; meaning it depends on the audiences perspective that determines the outcome. Our individual perspective can make a boring situation happy and a dull day shine with heaven mighty light. This is Adam B C, thank you for visiting. This was searching for a T8 from TST to West Kowloon.