Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The Interview

The Interview at Pacific Copy for ArtMap

It is amazing, when your interviewer says you the right amount of Mad. I like that comment, to be normal and not considered different would be a night mare for me. Here is a little trip into my interview world. Oh BTW this interview was for Artmap, they are interviewing us because, B9 is going to have an exhibition in Mid November (16th). We will showcase a new series of B9 swirls and it will be accompanied by a little artistic performance. More Details on that as they come it. This is how the interview unfolded.

No Smile


Littler Smile

Rehearsing my lines in the Library

Me explaining what is B9

I have Green eyes in this picture

Heading out to LKF to celebrate

Look what we found

At 7 Heaven

The Girls and I

B9 and Andy

Its the leather Jacket

The Party never ends, just breaks for the morning

Heading to a B9 mission

I look like a roman, but with sunglasses

Under the bridge where I await success

My Disguise for the day

Lovely shadows reveal what is real

Such a soft illustration

It says so much

Love Perspective

Almost a different world

The texture that broke my heart

When I arrive no one was there

In life we have to make decisions as to what is real and what is reality. Reality is a condensation of thoughts and images, it is quite difficult to distinguish what is revealed to you as being real and what is actually real. If you can tell the difference between these tow aspects of life, you are well on your way to understanding how to make better judgement in life. Kinda spaced out right. My life is. This is Adam B C, out.

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