Sunday, October 27, 2013

LeSportSac - East Touch

Job number two within two weeks for the same group

Shortly after I did the Sing Tao Shoe newspaper editorial, I was asked back to do an Advertorial for LeSportSac. Apparently besides commercial  there are many more ways to receive wages for exposure. I am only discovering this world myself, if I was not in this industry where would one hope to learn of such vehicles to succeed in this world. Here is how the final shots turned out. 

Shoot near the East touch studio

Thinking of tomorrow

Wearing a wool jumper in Summer is not easy, look I show not signs of over heating

One more shoot to add to my portfolio. This is the game, get more exposure in the media, let the media people aware of me as a product and ride out the jobs, for finance and hope for the big payoff, my name among the greats. This is a snap shot of my route to fame. I really hope this turns into a biography and not only a story I tell my nephew.  This is Adam B C, thanks for Visiting, out.

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