Wednesday, October 2, 2013

On the Day of the Shoot

The Day has Finally Arrived the Shoot day

The excitement has finally arrived, the shoot day. This morning I woke up at 5.00 am as instructed, then as I arrived at the lobby, I was instructed to return to my room. Call time for me has changed to 12.30. OK. a little more sleep first. And Here is how the day panned out.

The Distributions bay was all empty

Waiting like a fish

Rather interesting sculptures in the waiting area

A  golden one next to that other one

You can tell I was bored, the call time was pushed back, to I have no idea when

I even took a picture of my least liked sculpture

Staring off into Space

Then suddenly in the car and we are off

A older man rolling a ... cigar

Locals about there everyday business

Look at all those flags

Image of the CBD

I love the ghost image

A rather large apartment block


Lift off

Fall is here

Is it the road or is it me

Mainly trucks here

To me it looks like LA

Totally trippy

The mighty wind mills of Urumuqi

As far as the eye can see

Personnel carrier

And a Tank

A local home

To men walking to the near by school

Trees in the desert

Closer to the shooting point

So excited and happy

Wow I don't believe it

There is no fan aimed at my head this is real wind

My transportation here

Launch is served

Now its me and my Chilli Chick and Man Tao

If you don't push in your not going to get feed

One of the Props

Look at this dream like landscape

Movie magic

Human chain to the car

The sand or ash beneath me

Scale and Proportion

The Dressinng Room

A storm is coming

That is a power generator

Me and my Contact i like this distance

It is really windy

Cold and Dry

Nothing but man and nature

I like this look

Scale and Proportion

Before the Make Up

After the makeup

I can assure you this makeup did not last very long, in the cold dry wind. That was my personal footage on set, for everyone to see. What else needs to be hidden is what is called movie magic. I will post the final thing when it comes out. Thanks for visiting, that was quite a satisfying day. This is Adam B C out.

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