Monday, October 28, 2013

Joyce, Ngau Pang and the MV

The Day I met Joyce Cheung

This job I seriously was notified some 12 hours before the shoot. My life is becoming the opposite to what I was use to. IN the old days I would wait for an opportunity, now opportunity finds me, you see I have stated to my agency and the Hong Kong world, I am available and now work searches for me. Being available actually gets you more work. SO long as my window stays open I am sure something will come along. Not the best way to live your life, LOL, if i was to give advice to kids my career would certainly not me a benchmark. But still this is my life, it is now or never. Here is how that day panned out.

Ngau Pang at Tow Kwa Wan

The Camera Crew

Trolleys are a way of life here in Hong Kong

High rises look high really high from here

As the sun sets my day begins

We begin making our way to the shoot location

Where is the lead actress

The lead actor is here

And Here

This is Naug Pang

Wait something a happening

The arrival of Joyce the lead actress

The directors assistants

Life grows in even the most unlikely locations

The Shoot location

The right lighting really changes the mood

My work bench in the MV

Romance in the work bench

Joyce doing the Makeup

I was asked to do my own makeup today, thanks Es

Joyce so full of fun

Nice to meet you Joyce

Joyce certainly has experience with facial expressions


Red tubes on the ceiling


Nice Tattoo shop

Joyce is in there getting a tattoo

Nobody cares, but me

Tattoo Location



My Leather Jacket Look

Adam and Joyce

Nice to meet you Joyce, it was a pleasure. Meeting Joyce for me means that, I am taking one step closer to my goal. Imagine this, a boy grows up watching TVB and other Hong Kong movies. Within that community is Joyce, also like myself trying to reach for the stars. So here I am with a college, both determined to express ourselves. For me personally I feel like I am on tv in a world I only thought existed on TV and not as a real physical status quo, this is mind blowing for me. I am not sure I expressed myself clearly, but I am sure you understand my fascination with this world. Stepping forward is not easy and accepting that you need to accept new things is now my everyday task. Bring it on I say, bring it on. This is Adam B C, thanks for visiting; out.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

LeSportSac - East Touch

Job number two within two weeks for the same group

Shortly after I did the Sing Tao Shoe newspaper editorial, I was asked back to do an Advertorial for LeSportSac. Apparently besides commercial  there are many more ways to receive wages for exposure. I am only discovering this world myself, if I was not in this industry where would one hope to learn of such vehicles to succeed in this world. Here is how the final shots turned out. 

Shoot near the East touch studio

Thinking of tomorrow

Wearing a wool jumper in Summer is not easy, look I show not signs of over heating

One more shoot to add to my portfolio. This is the game, get more exposure in the media, let the media people aware of me as a product and ride out the jobs, for finance and hope for the big payoff, my name among the greats. This is a snap shot of my route to fame. I really hope this turns into a biography and not only a story I tell my nephew.  This is Adam B C, thanks for Visiting, out.

Shooting for Sing Tao Newspaper

On the scale of "things" this is called an Editorial

The was a quick job, I think in the future I can expect the instability of working in this industry. I was notified of my job only a day ahead of the shoot date, and the result ie the final publication was some 2 weeks later. The whole thing is so undercover and grey, but this is how some people make money. Not me I was only paid a small fee, but the the newspaper journal and the client must have made much more than i did for this project. Anyway here are some more pictures I took of myself on the day, compared to the professional shots. Here is how the day panned out.

I look like my younger brother

Vampire look

Why did they choose this hair for me, new is new I guess

Filters do wonders

White Shirt look

Play with your shoes

Vampire Pose

Jeans Jacket Look

I wanna see a pose

That was one snap shot of my life. Snap shots last for about two to three weeks, That is my day these days. If you can imagine a morning is when i get notified I have a job, the afternoon is when I get my call time and the evening is when the shot finally is published. If you can understand this than you can see into my daily life. This is Adam B C, thanks for visiting, out.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The Interview

The Interview at Pacific Copy for ArtMap

It is amazing, when your interviewer says you the right amount of Mad. I like that comment, to be normal and not considered different would be a night mare for me. Here is a little trip into my interview world. Oh BTW this interview was for Artmap, they are interviewing us because, B9 is going to have an exhibition in Mid November (16th). We will showcase a new series of B9 swirls and it will be accompanied by a little artistic performance. More Details on that as they come it. This is how the interview unfolded.

No Smile


Littler Smile

Rehearsing my lines in the Library

Me explaining what is B9

I have Green eyes in this picture

Heading out to LKF to celebrate

Look what we found

At 7 Heaven

The Girls and I

B9 and Andy

Its the leather Jacket

The Party never ends, just breaks for the morning

Heading to a B9 mission

I look like a roman, but with sunglasses

Under the bridge where I await success

My Disguise for the day

Lovely shadows reveal what is real

Such a soft illustration

It says so much

Love Perspective

Almost a different world

The texture that broke my heart

When I arrive no one was there

In life we have to make decisions as to what is real and what is reality. Reality is a condensation of thoughts and images, it is quite difficult to distinguish what is revealed to you as being real and what is actually real. If you can tell the difference between these tow aspects of life, you are well on your way to understanding how to make better judgement in life. Kinda spaced out right. My life is. This is Adam B C, out.