Friday, June 28, 2013

Adam B C's third day in Jakarta and then Belitung

Short trip means short trip. After the whole day of visiting the locals at Taman safari, we headed back to the city Center of Jakarta. This day starts in Blowfish in the city center of Jakarta and ended on an Island called Belitung; some 45 minutes north by plane . Let's see how that day panned out.

This place totally had atmosphere, we arrived early.

You can't hide Nevya.

Me, Sai, Jil and Nevya.

I am not to sure what is happening. They look like they are having fun.

Always good to take some shots before we all get drunk. Jil, Boy, Me, Amen and Nevya.

What a great crowd we had that night. Thanks for taking the Photo Boy, so that S could make an appearance. This was the moment before the Club took our EOS D6 away. :(

And that was all that I could remember about the night. Now let's get some sleep and prepare to fly.

THe flight was 45 minutes and it was to this location.

We spoiled ourselves we hired a driver :)

He took us to Punai beach and we walked around the corner to find big big rocks.

I was so early most of the Coconut huts were not even open.

Big rocks little ocean.

Who put these here? and Why?

This shot shows you the scale of the landscape.

I feel like a mouse in a cheese maze.

Hope on 01

Hope on 02

Hope on 3

How many years have they been here?

I'm going to climb it.

Spider man?

More like Jacky Chan.

Just how high can i get.

Just a little further.

Yeap, I am at the hight :)

Looks really nice from here. 

Maybe too high.

The rocks, me and the Sky

Nice shot S

After one good shot usually another follows.

The coconut tree behind me was said to have been struck by lightning.

Love soft sandy beaches. That's the Australian in me.

Death is always coming. I say that as a positive thing :)

Look how peaceful he/she is.

So far I like Belitung.

Can you believe I was in a bar some 4 hours ago?

To think i may have missed all this.

Nice flash S.

We are so gonna have a another photo shoot here in the future.

So many angles in the one space.

I feel like i am in someone's dream.

Look ancient drawings or rust maybe?

Adam 01

Adam 02

Adam 03

The land is so flat here. I can see forever.

Such a beautiful island. But will it stay that way?

So tranquil.

Death is decay.

Look what i found.

Why did they all die here?

Nice Kung Fu pose.

This one was a little stressed.

Quiet moment.

This is the beach which they film the Philosopher. Which i have still to see.

Back to Tanjung Pandan.

Reminds me of the central coast.

Nice quiet roads.

Bye bye beach.

Man, that is tall.

Highway shot 01

Highway shot 02

Beach no. 2.

We have to come back and ride one of these boats.

Shame about the weather today.

Still the lighting is so good here.

Welcome to Belitung 01

Welcome to Belitung 02

Welcome to Belitung 03

Kangaroo poo.

Lovely little point to cast away your dreams.

I am proud of this one.

And this one.

My dream scape. The stage of my dreams.

Bird rock, or Eagle rock.

Your driver Suhuntro, he is Fuzen.

Some X-wing style fishing boats.

I like it here.

So peaceful.

Dreaming away on a big rock.

Yeah I like it here too.

If only we could stay longer.

I am getting a bit tired.

But we need to keep our eyes open.

And thoughts clear.

Adam. B. C.

Smelling the wind.

Skyline 01

Skyline 02

That afternoon sun is beautiful.

I have an idea.

Skyline 03

Skyline 04

Skyline 05

The light is perfect.

We should take some shots of you S. After i spray some mosquito repellant.

Skyline 06

About here will do. Do I look like a photographer?

Salt does wonders for my hair.

Salt and sunglasses.

This is the Spot.

Skyline 07

Oh look. I am so gonna get a UV lense for our camera.

Skyline 08

Skyline 09

Skyline 10

Palm trees and the Moon.

Nice to see the flash working.

What a beautiful afternoon.

Look at those little cloud waves.

These wonderful little waves brings us to the end of day 3 in Indonesia; subtitled Belitung Island. So far it is a lovely place, to think the mosquitoes were going to scare me away from here. After this we packed our gear and went back to the hotel to rest. Tomorrow we will explore the island via motorbike. Stay tuned for that. This Adam B C thank you for visiting.

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