Saturday, June 29, 2013

Adam B C's fifth day on Belitung Island

After visiting the emergency room yesterday Agus the caption of our hotel offered to take us around the island as a guide, of course we said yes. Like I said earlier the holiday is not over and we are still gonna have a great time! Always look on the brighter side of light, and smile even though your hear is breaking! So was mainly organised by Agus, thank you Agus. Let us see how it panned out.

The traditional Javanese Boat.


Preparing for the day.

Look bird rock.

Did you see that fish?

I am in a dream.

So beautiful.

Mr Agus, our saviour.

That there is bird island.

Our driver Agus's close friend.

Our view of the day.

Just what will we see today.

It is like a mirror.

Agus is so much darker than me.

I wind in my hair.

The steel lighthouse.

Each part is on scale and planned. Amazing.

Enter my dream.

The world means nothing here.

Like sand smoke into the blue sky.


Nice shot S.

Hey that looks like our camera.

Adam 001

Broken view of paradise.

Light on steel.

Adam 002

Adam 003

Adam 004

Adam 005

My dream.

The vehicle of my dream.

I am so spoiled.

I love it here.


Nice little hide away.

Such dream life motifs.

Secret hide away.

Adam 006

Who put these rocks here and why?

Adam 007

Adam 008

Adam 009

Adam 010


Look at those colour of decay.

Who put these rocks here and why?

My island playground. 001

My island playground. 002

My island playground. 003

The island.

Can you see the moon?

I certainly can.

SO many little island here.

My grip on reality.

These islands are just floating along.

Lets go walking on the hot rocks.

Adam 011

It really looks like a set.

Even rocks dream.

A peaceful dream.

A white dove segaul swallow thingy.

Adam 012

Adam 013

A world of wonder.

Lets go explore.

Adam 014

Adam 015

Some silver lining hey.

I need to call Juli. Need to get back to work at some stage. The world is calling be back. 
Not just yet I said.

An this relaxed laid back day was day five in indonesia. AFter yesterday's amazing escape from death a day of simple enjoyment and relaxing was needed. We are never really defeated by pain and suffering, look to the brighter side of life. That brighter side today was all that little easier due to the amazing sun and island of Belitung. Say tuned as we spend another day in paradise tomorrow. Thanks for visiting this is your host Adam B C. 

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