Saturday, June 29, 2013

Adam B C's fourth day in Jakarta and then Belitung

Hi everyone, I have some unfortunate news for you all. Earlier today we decided to hire not one but two motorcycles to explore the island. While exploring the island S took a fall off her motorcycle straight onto the hard hot tar. She has a total of 4 stitches and 9 abrasions, but she can still walk and in my opinion the only thing she really hurt was her ego. She was so brave that even after her crash, she hopped back onto her motorcycle and drove it all the way back to the city centre of Belitung. Totally fearless, and I like that that quality in a person. So for privacy reason no photos will be shown of todays events. 

I would like to take this opportunity to thank IKE the midwife that stitched S up at her midwife station. Also I want to thank AGUS for take us ever so quickly to the emergency room; after we go back to the city. Finally  I want to thank everyone that stopped on the side of the road to help provide tissues and that helped us move the motorcycles out of the way of traffic. Thank you Belitung. But the trip is not over, the next day we went Island Hopping. So stay tuned for day five. This is Adam B C.

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