Sunday, June 30, 2013

Adam B C's sixth day on Belitung Island

Yesterday was such a relaxing re-energising day, how much more relaxing can today be? The answer to that question is much much more. Today I decided to retrace the route I took when I first reached the Island and just chill and take some photos of places that I like but missed out on an opportunity to capture.

From the bridge 001

From the bridge 002

From the bridge 003

From the bridge 004

Local highway.

What is that over there?

Little kids on the road.

Young friends, build to become strong friendships.

I found a quiet little spot and pondered about my life.

It had a great view.

So peaceful.

Life is not easy, it no pleasure cruise.

You can see the world move.

Took a moment to rest, under the shade of a tree.

The Beach and I.

The emptiness and I.

Once again the world shifts ever so quickly.

The scooter and I.

I feel like this is all a story about toys.

Hello baby!

Our coconut chief.

I never liked coconuts till I came to Belitung.

View from the restaurant, you saw on day one on the Island.

Big highway big sky.

Another heavenly pitt stop.

Three little boys heading for a little dip.

Just me, the sky and beach.

I like it.

Sun will be setting in about 2 hours.

Moon in the tree.

Adam 001

Adam 002

Local grocery store.

A small village by the side of the highway.

Little boys cutting up can and burning leaves. 001

Little boys cutting up can and burning leaves. 002

The ride ahead.

An afternoon of fun for three little Belitung's.

A humble home.

Do I look like i'm from space?

A gas station.

This is where I'm gonna see my last sunset in Belitung.

Waves casually lapping the smooth rocks.

I'm on another planet.

The moon was watching the sunset with me. 


Boat under the sun.

And our day draws to an end.

I will remember this place.

This world is full of hope, just look over the horizon and you will find possibilities you previously thought not possible.

Back to the Hotel. Billiton.

One last check up before we leave the Island. 

Apotik means pharmacy I think.

Biggest round about on the whole Island.

Underneath this Javanese lamp shade I had my last dinner.

Can I stay here... no I want to go home and build my career.

Did I just see four people on one motorcycle?

We ordered the 45 minute fish.

And it was worth the wait.

Traditional Javanese food the waiter said. Whatever it was I liked it. After visiting Hong Kong, I have learned not to question what it is that you are eating, and just enjoy it.

The highest building in Belitung. Urbanisation is coming.

Is that a fish with a knife through the middle?

There are so many young kids out at night here. Chilling by the round about.

Street vendors.

I see a new culture, which was inspired by many other cultures, springing up here.

One of only a few road signs on the Island.

The night is young.

A toy store at night. The store owner said they will come to life!; after twelve.


That looks familiar.

It really looks like a motorbikers ideal city.

Lots of fried snacks.

You will never go hungry here.

Fruit and popcorn for sale.

I may have been the first Hong Kong Model / Actor here.

Looks like Hong Kong.

Simple kitchens. 001

Simple kitchens. 002

You can tell this is a Chinese home. It is all boarded up!

Hot dog type snacks.

Fruit and Veggie shop late at night.

The moon always watches over us.

I do feel quite safe in these streets.

OMG we just saw a mouse died via motorcycle. Death is coming.

Local police station. Nice Yamaha.

I have no idea what he said.

Home at last, we made it, we survived the trip!

A total bamboo lamp shade. Nice and simple.

Stairway to my room.

So modern in contrast to the street.

Keeping the old, I like it.

I know a Dutch bike when I see one.

Look at that awesome leather backpack.

 everybody, to sleep and then tomorrow back to Jakarta.

One more look at the Sunseting over Belitung.

That was a eventful day, eventful in the sense of many levels of relaxation. I think I have not been this comfortable in a single place for a long time. We are all struggling in some way, some people more some people less, but we must take time to enjoy the moments we just had and the moments yet to come. This is Adam B C. Thanks for you visit. Until next time Bye Bye Belitung.