Sunday, September 15, 2013

I lost a Job But agained a Weekend

Life goes on.

Good day to you ladies and gentlemen, this weekend I celebrated life, even if fate decided not to give me work and keep me hungry for yet another weekend. I was originally scheduled, confirmed and book for a job on the 14th. But, the masters chose to go with another someone else and only deemed to notify me at the last minute for a un-confirmation. Un-confirmations do not happen, or at least they should not happen, a confirm is a confirm. Where is the Honor in this world!!! But still, a boss is a boss, perhaps one day I will know what it feels like to be on the other side. Still the end of the world is still far away, and this is how my weekend panned out :)

Sheung Wan

A beautiful girl

Water from the mountain

Sheung Wan

Cats on the Hill

My litte concert

Overwhelming signage

The Pay phone

John Lennon Lover, and Actor, I use to watch him movies as a little boy

The SCUD, most promising director in HK in 2010 and in my opinion still now

She was not alone

Love horses

Moto Guzzi I love this BIKE!!!



Where did you get those glasses Till

Es and the Architect

Saturday my Crazy Manga Style Hair

Going to Sai Gung

Waiting by the doc

Sammi and Adam

Heading to BBQ site

BBQ on a floating platform on water, nice.

Hong Kong Style BBQ

Hong Kong is the Future

Building block of Hope

The Sun set over the camp site

Cool Texture

Goodmorning Sunday

My polar bear look

My One eye only look

Lunch at Casueway Bay

Going to Vince's Studio

Monkey's and their Dicks

Inside Studio LC

Alien Technology

White Background a Model and Photographer neutral

The Sun sets over my Weekend

One more Sanpellecrino

Ladies and Gentlemen that was my unexpected weekend. Seriously my life right now is so unexpected, so many spontaneous things happen. It is getting to the point that if my world was not so spontaneous it almost seems nothing would ever happen out of the norm. But the reality part of spontaneous is somewhat difficult to cope with. But who am I to say what should be and what should not. I just take each day, week and now weekends as I can. This is Adam B C, out.

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