Monday, September 9, 2013

Experience the Re-shoot

Today I experienced my first re-shoot

Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen. Today was my first re-shoot. What is a re-shoot exactly. Well, to my understanding it is when the client or the director is not 100% happy with the final product and requests a remake of the product. This could be due to many things, the weather, the lighting, the props, even the actors. But to be sure this re-shoot was issued because the light used on the actual day was not appropriate for the scene and that is why we had to opportunity of the re-shoot. Re-shoots are expensive, the cameramen, make up, hair, props, assistance, logistics and equipment need to be rehired for the shot. That is also the assumption that all items mentioned above is available  Also don't forget the weather, the conditions need to be right for the scene. Well that is my understanding of a re-shoot. No matter why it happened I was over the moon to be on set once again. That is three times in two weeks. Seriously before this I haven't been on set for a film shot for over three months, a whole quarter. Now that was scary. What a dry spell. But I broke it :) This is how the day panned out.

Preparing my self for the day

Good morning Instagram world, I'm off.

I just noticed my hair really has volume now

Kinda like a Japanese Anime character

100 year old building

10000 year old way of construction with bamboo

I like the combination

Setting up the set

View from the dressing table

it was a hot afternoon

Cooling down

Thinking concentrating 


Eunice on set

Don't you just love the boxes

Boxes from the dressing table

View from the mirror on the dressing table

Our little Oasis

A beautiful afternoon

My toilet break

The dressing table

Eunice and Adam

Adam and Anita

IFC from Sheung Wan

Location two my turn to act


The trollies

The cool camera men

Setting up

Look at that mirror


I feel like a prop sometimes

Sen sets on our last shot

What a wonderful afternoon

Making the most of my make-up and Hair 001

Making the most of my make-up and Hair 002

Making the most of my make-up and Hair 004

Making the most of my make-up and Hair 005

Making the most of my make-up and Hair 006

That was my re-shoot day. As you can probably see, I love to be on set. I can live and breath when I know others need me to be in a certain place. I feel that life is worth it. The moments are not lost, because when I am on set I know deep down more than the people on set will see these actions. What I mean is that thought this is not a movie, it still is a film publication and to some extent it will echo in eternity. That is where I want to live. I would love for people in the future to look into the past and see an actor who tried his very hardest to express his emotions for others to see. To lead by example that firstly in this world you can really do what you want to do, if you work hard at it. Secondly that perhaps it is possible to change your destiny if you can see your goal clearly enough. This is Adam B C, thanks for visiting, out.

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