Friday, September 20, 2013

Birthday Weekend

Hi all Happy Birthday!!

Yes that is correct Birthday time. And Here are some of things that happened this fun weekend. It is always nice to hang out with people on your birthday, it is a day you stop to think what you have done and what you will be doing in the future. Life is crazy and trying to understand it is even crazier. Here is how the weekend panned out.

The glasses look

My dream of the Iphone portal

Space Cubes

Alien on earth

Totally cool view from the interior world


Baby Dolphin


Universe that I love

View from my dream window


The Home Coast Line


My room and the Dream

I love images of the sky make me want to fly



Future hair

Future water melon

Fabrics of the future


At Central

Deep in space

Causeway Bay

The Drinking Begins

Victoria Park


Our Gun Faces

Daniel, Lennart, Till, Adam and Es

IN the Lantern Columns

Dragon Dancing Area

Talking near the Lanterns

Having Fun

Getting a little Drunk

OMG some White Ass


Saturns Rings

The Police are trying to save someone

Photo Opp

On the Scene

Heading Home I think

Riggy Diggy

What does Kik? Mean???

One of us is too drunk


Me in Space

My Good Friends home setup


A shamed of the drunkness heheeh

Two things I always wish I had more of...

Eyes training

Manga Man

Planet Adam

Adam in the Gap

I love this toaster effect

I will be patient and calm

Really tripped out portal

Good Nite Everybody

So that was the birthday weekend. I can't really say i remember all of it. I have been drinking so much since these German boys have been in town. I wonder if life is like this for them back in Germany. That's Hong Kong so many people visit here and so many people want to meet so many people, it is a crazy city. In fact it is a city that never sleeps, some million people are always up doing something. This is the city I have chosen to live in, this is the city I wish to find my fame. To be or not to Be. I hope I find my niche soon. Thanks For watching everyone. THis is Adam B C, Out.