Monday, January 13, 2014

My Trip to Australia

Going  home is never easy. It take courage and patience to deal with the things you wanted to leave behind. Facing those demons can be difficult and can even make you wonder why you decided to return to the the static memories of yesterday. But I have done it, I have gone home and have attempted quite well I think, to deal with those demons and I am still talking to you know, so that must mean everything is A ok for now. So here we are in the beginning of 2014 and I have had a blast in 2013 and want to duplicate and evolve the experiences I experienced in 2013. I look forward to opening the doors of security and let life blow me away. This is how the trip panned out. 

A lot of driving is always necessary in Australia

Blue skies most of the way

Blue skies and bush that is

Thanks for this great shot Es

Driving around in Sydney

With my favorite Australian Artist Wil Loeng

By the ocean

Such a peaceful place

My home Country

Natures gifts are plenty 

My Fav Street

The blue sky along the M1 highway

Good Morning to you all!!

Moments before the Fire works

The Harbor Bridge on Fire A

The Harbor Bridge on Fire B

The Harbor Bridge on Fire C

Its nice to be back in the security and bubble of a personal transport system

My Favorite beach Budgewoi

I was there almost every day

It was a really relaxing nice place to be

The beach slows you down

frees the soul

Water makes me feel at home

I will always be home here

I do love driving around, its like my slightly larger motorcycle

The High way


Wil Loeng's Wall mural

Eating seafood by the sea

Too comfortable here

I fell asleep


Bondi Afternoon sun

I am going to miss all this 

This was the best aspect of my trip to Australia, the Sun, the Beach and the Family. Life goes on, do the right thing or the wrong thing it goes on. Time can never be bought back nor sold, it just keeps going on. Careless of the relationships it pulls apart or builds. Time goes on. B9 Reporting. Hong Kong I am ready for a new lovely romantic year with you once more :)

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