Monday, January 13, 2014

B9 北上尋根 Documentary film Proposal Presentation_5mins 4Sec

B9 北上尋根

we need all kinds of help if you would like to be part of this project!
please do not hesitate to contact

for more info, keep youself update to our website below!

without your help, nothing could happen! thank you so much for your interest!!
we will keep up the good work

My Trip to Australia

Going  home is never easy. It take courage and patience to deal with the things you wanted to leave behind. Facing those demons can be difficult and can even make you wonder why you decided to return to the the static memories of yesterday. But I have done it, I have gone home and have attempted quite well I think, to deal with those demons and I am still talking to you know, so that must mean everything is A ok for now. So here we are in the beginning of 2014 and I have had a blast in 2013 and want to duplicate and evolve the experiences I experienced in 2013. I look forward to opening the doors of security and let life blow me away. This is how the trip panned out. 

A lot of driving is always necessary in Australia

Blue skies most of the way

Blue skies and bush that is

Thanks for this great shot Es

Driving around in Sydney

With my favorite Australian Artist Wil Loeng

By the ocean

Such a peaceful place

My home Country

Natures gifts are plenty 

My Fav Street

The blue sky along the M1 highway

Good Morning to you all!!

Moments before the Fire works

The Harbor Bridge on Fire A

The Harbor Bridge on Fire B

The Harbor Bridge on Fire C

Its nice to be back in the security and bubble of a personal transport system

My Favorite beach Budgewoi

I was there almost every day

It was a really relaxing nice place to be

The beach slows you down

frees the soul

Water makes me feel at home

I will always be home here

I do love driving around, its like my slightly larger motorcycle

The High way


Wil Loeng's Wall mural

Eating seafood by the sea

Too comfortable here

I fell asleep


Bondi Afternoon sun

I am going to miss all this 

This was the best aspect of my trip to Australia, the Sun, the Beach and the Family. Life goes on, do the right thing or the wrong thing it goes on. Time can never be bought back nor sold, it just keeps going on. Careless of the relationships it pulls apart or builds. Time goes on. B9 Reporting. Hong Kong I am ready for a new lovely romantic year with you once more :)

Thursday, December 5, 2013

My First Trip to Taiwan was actually for work :)

Adam B C in Taipei

On a normal Wednesday, I received a Wechat message from my Starz agency, that said, do you have a visa to visit to Taiwan. I really thought it was a joke; I was wrong. One week later I was on my way to Taipei. I think I was very lucky to have landed this role. The Director Kung, reenlisted me from a Urumqi job I did in September. So I arrive on set and OMG it was the same director. This was no coincident, he hunted me down for this role. Like I said lucky, but this job was by no means easy. I had to be ready for wet weather strolling on the cold beach, standing tall in front of many spectators and perform according to the directors specifications with my own little twist. Here is how the day shoot unfolded.

View from the producers studio

Heading to Taipei

At Gate 27

Strange faces in the bathroom

Strawberry Chocolate Waffle dinner :) 


On set some 7 in the morning


Scale up at bit

A very windy day

My belts look good with the Kilt

Waiting for my Cue

Kilts have quite a nice shadow

Crew's trucks

Equipped for a successful shoot

Setting up

Three men in Icy cold water

Sottish looking man on the beach

Act natural pretend we are not here

Hair makeup

So much salt in my hair

A friend I made on set


On set some 7 in the morning

Location two

Staff dressing area

Dolly and Adam

The Lighting Specialist

Shot from up high

Instructions from the radio

Back Straight

My dressing room at VVG

Ice cold 

My shoes were very helpful walking in the wet sand

My dressing room in VVG

Some cleaver props

The lighting was so medievil

I'm not actually looking in the mirror

Spirit dressing

The Directors Car

My future ride

In the Forest

Beautiful Taipei

A little forest fire

Life finds a way

Smoke Cameras Action

Our Fake Sun

My Lovely Kilt

scale of the set

Discussing mood and feeling

Confidence he said

The Director Kung

Cinema Photographer Little Fish

Teresa and I

The Good Freinds

Poor little doggy

The Grand View

Last Shot in the forest

Swingers golf course

Preparing for my transformation

My reflections in Taipei

A bus load of Extras 

Checking the lighting on set

Kung and Adam

Movie Magic

Steady came with beam

The Golf tournament

A little Bug

The Fake sun

Adam on the Green

Scale on the Sun

From the Green

From the green into the sun

Adam at the Swingers Golf course

Preparing a gift for the poor girl

Watching the sunset while walking

Here little girl grow 

Adam in the rough

This is how you kneel Adam

Awkwardness from the intense scene

We can still have fun


A beautiful sunset

It is not over yet

In the dark and in some fake cold snow

OK! it is a wrap

What a huge experience. I learn so much about on the scene ethics and performing during all types of weather and environments. It was tough and I will keep my efforts at the highest level for I believe this is just the beginning, there will be many more sets I will share with you all, Thanks for Visiting. Hard work does pay of, and believing is really all we can do. Believe patiently enough and work hard in the cold on zero fuel and you just may realize your dream. This is what i have dedicated my life to do, becoming a Actor and an instrument of society no matter what country I am in. Adam BC Reporting, out.